job vacancy RS Siloam hospitals in 2015

Position required:


1. technologist

2. nurse

3. Laboratory Analyst

4. Pharmacists / S1 Pharmaceuticals / Chemistry / Biology

5. Ambulance Driver

6. Public Health

7. Midwifery

8. Nutritionist

9. Doctors (All Programs)


1. HR Staff / Personnel Staff

2. Finance & Accounting (Manager, Supervisor and Staff)

3. Corporate Accountant

4. Secretary to Director

5. Customer Service

6. Purchasing

7. Project Architect / Project Manager

8. Engineering - Site, Civil, ME, Architect
Responsibilites :
 Willing to be placed in the working area of RS siloam hospitals
Requirements :
General Requirements:

    1. Indonesian Citizen

    2. Male / Female

    3. High school graduates-EQUALS / D3 / S1 / S2

    4. Healthy Physical Spiritual

    5. Able to work with TEAM / GROUP

    6. Willing to be placed in the entire archipelago


  Requirements File / Document:

    1. Cover Letters

    2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

    3. Identity Card (KTP / SIM)

    4. Photo size 4x6 (Color)

    5. Email & No. Tel / HP
Specific Requirements :
Computer literate (Min. Ms. Word & Excel) (1,2,3,4,5)
 Being able to speak a foreign language will be excess
Please send your application and data Lengkap Anda to
Human Resources Department or

via email
Tipe Pekerjaan:Tetap
Posisi Pekerjaan:Accounting Staff
Bidang Pekerjaan:Human Resource Consultant
Gaji yang ditawarkan:5.000.000,00 s/d 10.000.000,00
Jumlah Pekerja yang dibutuhkan:orang
Pengalaman:1-3 thn tahun
Siloam Hospitals only invite the best applicants to participate in the selection. The decision to call the applicants danpenentuan result of selection is the right of theRS SILOAM and can not be diganggugugat.
Tanggal akhir lamaran:31 July 2015


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